Sunday, June 30, 2013

St. Thomas Carnival 2013

St. Thomas carnival 2013 was a memorable one! My awesome little brother Tmeed El & I were, in V.I. speak, "bussing nuff lime." We had a lot of fun, ate a lot of food, met a lot of new freinds and just had a really incredible time.

Tmeed El... not only my little brother, but my hero (& photography tutor) too!

Monique & I, "liming" in the village
Photo by Tmeed El

Me & two of my uncles... Basil & Leroy
Photo by Tmeed El 
Claudette Peters (Antigua) performing in the "village"
Photo by Tmeed El

"Mah good fren," Lester & I
Photo by Tmeed El 

Copyright © Luceele Smith -- June 2013

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